
 I'd recommend turning on SOAP logging in the Python client library
and taking a look at the result of the getReportDownloadUrl()/
getGzipReportDownloadUrl() call that the client library is making on
your behalf. There should be a URL for the report included in the SOAP
response. Try pasting that URL into a web browser and downloading the
report yourself--does it match what's being displaying (i.e. is it
blank with just the header columns)?

 If the underlying report is blank then the issue is with your report
request--something with your report parameters needs to be tweaked in
order to obtain actual data because there was no AdWords activity that
matches your parameters. If the underlying report contains actual data
then there's an issue with the Python client library's
DownloadCsvReport() method, and the best place to report it would be


-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Mar 2, 1:45 pm, sittingtiger <ci2008....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I used the python client library, version 4.2.0.
> I have used the sample python code found in demo directory. I added
> the SOAP headers, changed "sandbox" to "adwords", successfully run
> "schedule_report.py", then I used this code:
> s =  client.GetReportJobStatus('1336998414')
> print s
> r = client.GetReportService('https://adwords.google.com')
> s = r.DownloadCsvReport('1336998414')
> print s
> and this is what I got:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Completed
> <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
> <report><table><columns><column name="campaignid"></column><column
> name="campaign"></column><column name="ctr"></column><column
> name="cpc"></column></columns><rows></rows></table><totals><grandtotal
> ctr="0.0" cpc="0"></grandtotal></totals></report>
> ===============================================
> Am I doing anything wrong?
> Thanks!
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