Hello Eric,

 This isn't an answer to your question, as I don't personally have
experience using that version of Axis, but I wanted to make sure that
you were aware of the AdWords API Java Client Library:


If you use that, you won't have to go through the effort of generating
the classes from the WSDLs yourself. It also adds some other niceties
that you might appreciate, such as an easy way of enabling logging,
accounting for the number of API units used, and a unified way of
providing credentials across all the different AdWords API services.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jan 22, 7:43 pm, Eric <wetr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Has anybody had success using Axis2 1.4.1 to generate java code from
> the WSDLs?  If so, what command line parameters did you use?
> I've generated client side code using both ADB and XMLBeans but get
> code that won't compile.  Specifically, wsdl2java seems to have
> problems with ApiError, ApiException, and Fault.  I'm generating code
> using -g and -u  since the WSDLs share common types.
> Thanks.
> -Eric
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