Hello Hovanes,

 As per the docs, those columns with a '2' footnote are available if
you're running the report from an MCC account, or alternatively if you
have conversion tracking enabled on the relevant campaigns. The values
returned should be specific to each creative id, which is the
fundamental unit that each row's statistics are based on in a Creative
report. Each creative id will belong to at most one account, so no,
the values should not be aggregated across client accounts.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jan 9, 1:12 pm, "hov...@gmail.com" <hov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Jeff,
> Thanks for your reply. You are correct, I tried running the report
> using client account. So those columns are available only for MCC
> account? So the information is an aggregate of all the client accounts
> in a given MCC account?
> Thanks,
> Hovanes
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