Hello Pete,

 We're unfortunately not going to be able to implement anything other
than a single canned response from the Sandbox's Report Service.

 As for changing the canned response to have it include some
meaningful, albeit static, data, that's on me, and apologies for the
delay. I did actually have the change checked in at one point a few
months ago but it did not make it into the final build, and I need to
follow up on that.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jan 2, 10:35 pm, Pete H <googleacco...@thepete.net> wrote:
> Hi Jeff and group,
> Back in May we found out that the mock report that gets returned from
> the Sandbox's
> report service has gone from being populated with some (static) dummy
> data
> to being 
> empty:http://groups.google.com/group/adwords-api/msg/eb43861877614660?hl=en)
> Jeff, you also mentioned that you'd put a request in to get more
> realistic reports in the sandbox api. Did anything ever happen with
> that?
> I'd love to use the sandbox as part of the QA environment at my
> company to save us spending real money testing functionality that uses
> the reports API, but as things stand right now that's going to be
> tricky.
> Cheers,
> Pete
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