Hello David,

 By default, the AdWordsUser object's constructor will read all header
information, including the clientEmail, from the information stored in
the ~/adwords.properties file. However, you can use one of the other
constructors to create an instance of the object that has credentials
set however you'd like, including using an alternate clientEmail. The
attributes of an existing AdWordsUser object are final, so you can't
simply modify an existing object.

 The most straight forward constructor to use for this purpose would
probably be

  public AdWordsUser(String email, String password, String clientId,
String useragent, String developerToken, String applicationToken)

Once you've created an AdWordsUser object with the clientEmail header
set to what you want, you can call getService() on it to retrieve an
appropriate SOAP service proxy object that will use the specific
headers you set.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Dec 7, 5:43 am, david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking form the method to change clientEmail connection.
> For now i'm able to connect, but my application is managing several
> account and I would like to change as I wish the clientemail account.
> In phpp the is a function call setClientEmail(). But I do ot find it
> in Java.
> Could you give me a code sample or doc to do it?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Regards
> David
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