Hello All,

 The Sandbox looks to be back up and functional at this point. You'll
have to do a getClientAccounts() call to recreate your client accounts
before you start making normal calls to it, as the backend data server
has been refreshed.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Nov 21, 11:37 am, AdWords API Advisor
> Hello,
>  As per the earlier thread:
>  http://groups.google.com/group/adwords-api/browse_thread/thread/2f3fc...
> the Sandbox is currently having trouble accepting requests. I believe
> that the currency code errors are a different manifestation of the
> earlier "internal errors" that were being returned.
>  I have a feeling that this is going to be resolved by performing a
> refresh of the Sandbox's backend data servers, but that hasn't taken
> place yet. Apologies for the downtime in the meantime.
> Cheers,
> -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> On Nov 21, 11:25 am, Tom Guzik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm having the same problem. I started seeing it yesterday Nov 20 and
> > still have it today. How do you get support on this?
> > Miki wrote
> > > Hitting the sandbox with developer key "[my email]++USD" returns
> > > unknown currency code.
> > > making the same request (with a valid developer key) to the production
> > > site works fine.
> > > using Visual Studio 2005, connecting to the web service directly, not
> > > using the sample code.
> > > Any ideas?
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