Hello J.E.,

 The easiest way to answer questions like these is to schedule some
test reports using the AdWords web interface and then download the XML
representation of them. For the most part, columns present in the
AdWords web interface will correspond to columns available via the
different report types in the AdWords API, and if anything's not clear
you can match them up by looking at the XML version of the report
downloaded from the web interface. (Structure reports are only
available in the AdWords API, though.)

 For example, when I ran an Ad report using the web interface and
checked the "Destination URL" column in the "Level of Detail" section,
that leads to an XML report that includes the "destUrl" column. If you
cross-reference this column name with the Response XML values in the
table at


you'll see that this corresponds to the "DestinationURL"

 Similarly, when I check the "Destination URL" column in the
"Attributes" section of the web interface, that leads to an XML report
that includes the "creativeDestUrl" column. Cross-references that with
the AdWords API docs, this corresponds to the "CreativeDestUrl"

 As for the distinction between these two columns... well, your
assumption sounds reasonable to me, though I can't say for certain.

 I guess a bigger point that's worth emphasizing as part of this
discussion is that the AdWords API is just one interface to the
Reports Center backend. The AdWords web interface is another. I don't
think this comes as a surprise to anyone, given that it's well known
that you can schedule reports via the API and they show up in the web
interface's reports listing, and that you can retrieve reports that
were scheduled via the web interface using the API's retrieval methods
(assuming you know the report's id). A lot of the quirks having to do
with reports aren't limited to users of the AdWords API--they're found
in the web interface's Report Center functionality as well. It also
means that if you have specific questions about what a column in a
report means, you might have some luck asking in the general AdWords
discussion forums, or checking the online help for the Reports Center
in the web interface. I'll obviously continue trying to answer reports
questions to the best of my knowledge or escalate issues to the
reports engineering team as needed.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Nov 7, 9:36 am, "j.e.frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I often find myself wondering what the exact meaning of a particular
> report column is.  If there is a good set of documentation for that,
> can someone point me to it?
> In the meantime, my latest confusion has to do with the difference
> between the DestinationUrl and the CreativeDestUrl columns in the Ad
> report.  What is the difference between these columns?  My theory is
> that one is the current value of the Ad's destination URL, and the
> other is the actual URL that the clicks went to (these could differ
> due to someone changing the Ad during the day, or from having a
> keyword-specific URL at the time of a click).  But I am really just
> speculating.
> I notice that if you go through the AdWords UI and create an Ad
> report, there are also two checkboxes called "Destination URL".  One
> of these is in the Level of Detail portion of the column list,
> indicating to me that it is a "dimension" or grouping column in the
> report, while the other is in the Attributes portion.  (This is what
> led to my theory above.)  So, can anyone clarify what these two
> columns are, and which one in the API corresponds to which one in the
> UI?
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