Hi Christian,
Thanks for your reply. I searched the page you sent to me before, but
could not find the way to put filter. It says any report which I can
generate through Adwords console , can be generated through API call
also. Also it says that I can choose report type, aggregation type and
select columns, but it does not say where I can put the filter like to
exclude zero clicked keywords.
I am sorry if I missed something from there, but it will be very
helpful if you can show me some way.

Thanks & regards
- Dyutiman

On Oct 13, 6:47 pm, Christian Krahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Dyutiman,
> there is an example for that in the AdWords API 
> documentation:http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/docs/developer/adwords_api_report...
> Regards,
> Christian
> On 13 Okt., 13:29, dyuti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I can generate areportfrom Google Adword console to getkeyword
> > level data which does not include zero clicks keywords. I can use
> >filterto get thereport.
> > Is there any way I can generate thereportthrough API. Can I use
> >filterthrough API as I use in the console?
> > Please help.
> > Thanks
> > - Dyutiman
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