Hello Das,

 Yes, there is a limit on the number of campaigns in a given account.
If you reach this limit you will get a SOAP fault retuned by the
AdWords API when you make an addCampaign() call. You'd have to speak
to your AdWords account representative and explain your situation if
you feel the need to expand your account to include additional
campaigns once you've reached the limit. It's a manual process and
isn't something that can be requested using the AdWords API.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

> Hi,
> Could someone please help.
> We're trying to create campains under client account through Adword
> Java API.
> 1. Is there any limit on number of Campaigns under on client account?
> 2. Will I get API error if there is limit for Campaigns. If, so, how
> do I avoid this?
> Thanks,
> Das
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