
 If you reach your maximum spend as defined by your monthly AdWords
API budget, that will get reset at the start of each new month.
Perhaps that's what you're referring to?

 In any case, the easiest way to determine how many AdWords API units
you've used up in a given month and to adjust your monthly budget is
to log in to http://adwords.google.com/ with your MCC account, go to
the "My Account" tab, and then the "AdWords API Center" sub-tab. The
unit count isn't update in real time, but it should give you a good
idea as to how much has been used.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Sep 30, 5:56 am, kokodrilo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> I have a doubt.
> I have exhausted the budget of my API user but sometimes I can make
> requests to API and receive correct data, could someone explain it?
> Regards.
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