
 Yes, those do appear to have the same name. Both the AdWords API and
the AdWords web interface should protect against creating a new ad
group with the same name as another one in the same campaign, so I
couldn't tell you for sure how that happened.

 They do obviously have unique ids so if you plan on keeping both of
the ad groups around, you could distinguish them based on that.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Sep 11, 10:52 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> We are seeing AdGroups with the same name in one Campaign. I didn't
> think this was possible in  AdWords ?
> Here are the Campaign and example AdGroup ids:
> Campaign: 10004043
> AdGroups: 691840083, 691840803
> also AdGroups: 691840533, 691839813
> There are a couple other duplicate AdGroups names in that same
> Campaign. Any ideas ?
> thanks for you help,
> -j
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