Hello. We use VEEAM to backup our VM's, but I had to ask our VM guy because when you mentioned that the GUI is not available in your VMWare environment.
For the GUI, he is suggesting (and this is if we are understanding your GUI/VMWare statement correctly): Then something isn't setup right. The first question that comes to mind, is do they even have vCenter? If not... you're not installing the plugin. The plugin needs to tie into the central management for the cluster. If they do have a vCenter server whether it's windows or the VMware appliance, then yes there is a GUI available. Try to get to the https://vcenter-servername:9443 - if it's not coming up, there's a misconfigured firewall on the Windows box OR a firewall/network ACL blocking access to those ports on the VMware appliance. -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Loon, EJ van (ITOPT3) - KLM Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 9:00 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L] TSM for VE (DP for VMware on Linux) ** THIS IS AN EXTERNAL EMAIL ** Use caution before opening links / attachments. Never supply UserID/PASSWORD information. Hi guys! We would like to start testing with Data Protection for WMware on Linux. The problem is that most procedures are based on the GUI and we don't have that available in or VMware environment. So I'm looking for a step-by-step procedure on how to install and configure DP for VMware through the commandline only. Is there somebody out there who has such a procedure and who is willing to share it with me? Thank you VERY much in advance! Kind regards, Eric van Loon Air France/KLM Storage Engineering ******************************************************** For information, services and offers, please visit our web site: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.klm.com&d=BQIFAg&c=BY0WRPt8vrhqs_gNwjcMsqT0O3k78MJMGj95ah0eDEA&r=7l_gtgCLb17w6YLNyl5xk2NLH8XcWIQUFrWhANDp1mE&m=ljBnJa8TXS3Ti8pJ2Nh24nzYjGEVxDv7EOi77WrMy1Q&s=2_2FLPGdp1NSCVNqUrDKGrCYKkr8LdZdl-QFNoj0iBI&e= . This e-mail and any attachment may contain confidential and privileged material intended for the addressee only. If you are not the addressee, you are notified that no part of the e-mail or any attachment may be disclosed, copied or distributed, and that any other action related to this e-mail or attachment is strictly prohibited, and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail by error, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, and delete this message. Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij NV (KLM), its subsidiaries and/or its employees shall not be liable for the incorrect or incomplete transmission of this e-mail or any attachments, nor responsible for any delay in receipt. Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V. (also known as KLM Royal Dutch Airlines) is registered in Amstelveen, The Netherlands, with registered number 33014286 ********************************************************