I'll third the odd percentages... using tsm: TSMPRD02>select sum(reporting_mb) from OCCUPANCY where stgpool_name='SASCONT0'
Unnamed[1] ---------------------------------- 182520798.90 tsm: TSMPRD02>q stg sascont0 Storage Device Storage Estimated Pct Pct Hig- Lo- Next Stora- Pool Name Class Name Type Capacity Util Migr h M- w ge Pool ig Mi- Pct g Pct ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----- ----- ---- --- ----------- SASCONT0 DIRECTORY 204,729 G 50.5 VTLPOOL02 Rounded numbers- Pool Capacity: 204TB Pool Used: 50% Pool Used: 102TB Reporting Capacity: 180TB Savings: 56% OC shows savings of 0%. Servergraph also shows a pool savings of 0%. That said, some of our TDP backups used to see 93% savings and now show 0% so something may be going on with our containers. --------------------------------------------------- David Nixon Storage Engineer II Technology Services Group Carilion Clinic 451 Kimball Ave. Roanoke, VA 24015 Phone: 540-224-3903 cdni...@carilionclinic.org Our mission: Improve the health of the communities we serve. ________________________________ Notice: The information and attachment(s) contained in this communication are intended for the addressee only, and may be confidential and/or legally privileged. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately, and delete this communication from any computer or network system. Any interception, review, printing, copying, re-transmission, dissemination, or other use of, or taking of any action upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited by law and may subject them to criminal or civil liability. Carilion Clinic shall not be liable for the improper and/or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this communication or for any delay in its receipt.