Hello Paul,

you are not using persistent names for the devices, and chances are that
after the reboot the devices got different names.
check the actual device names with

c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\server\tsmdlst

and update the pathes to the library and the drives accordingly.
"show libray" should report an online=1 in the 3rd line.

tsm: TSMANL>show library

MMSV->libList: head=000000000537E930, tail=000000000537E930

Library LB0.1.0.6 (type SCSI):

  refCount=0, online=0, updateCount=0

If possible, enable sandiscovery:

setopt sandiscovery on

or read the devicedriver documentation of the IBM Tape driver on how to
enable persistent naming, which makes life much easier.

Michael Prix

Am 17.03.2016 um 01:21 schrieb Paul_Dudley:
> Further to my message below, the "q library f=d" command does display details 
> about the library, as does the "show library" command.
> tsm: TSMANL>q library f=d
>                   Library Name: LB0.1.0.6
>                   Library Type: SCSI
>                         ACS Id:
>               Private Category:
>               Scratch Category:
>          WORM Scratch Category:
>               External Manager:
>                 RSM Media Type:
>                         Shared: No
>                        LanFree:
>             ObeyMountRetention:
>        Primary Library Manager:
>                            WWN:
>                  Serial Number: 00L4U78L0331_LL0
>                      AutoLabel: No
>                   Reset Drives: No
>                Relabel Scratch: No
>                       ZosMedia:
> Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
>          Last Update Date/Time: 12/09/2013 17:38:36
> tsm: TSMANL>show library
> MMSV->libList: head=000000000537E930, tail=000000000537E930
> Library LB0.1.0.6 (type SCSI):
>   refCount=0, online=0, updateCount=0
>   basicCfgBuilt=1, libInfoBuild=0, definingPathToLibrary=0
>   addLibPath=0, borrowedDrives=0
>   passthru=-1
>   library extension at 0000000005326530
>       Serial Number: (00L4U78L0331_LL0)
>       WWN: *EMPTY*
> SCSI library scanInProgress=0, relabelScratch=0
>   autochanger list:
>     dev=lb2.1.0.2, busy=0, online=0
>   drive list:
>     L6DRI0:
>       Device Type = LTO,
>       Drive state: UNKNOWN, Drive descriptor state: NO PENDING CHANGES,
>       Online = 1, polled = 0, nativeFilePolled = 0
>       Inquiry String = ULT3580-HH6,
>       Device Type From Inquiry = 21,
>       RD Capabilities = 00000FC0,
>       WR Capabilities = 00000F00,
>       Serial Number: (1068020440)
>       WWN: (5000E111312AF001)
>       priorReadFailed = 0, priorWriteFailed = 0, priorLocateFailed = 0,
>       Update count = 0, checking = 0, passthru = -1,
>       offline time/date: 00:00:00 1900/00/00
>     SCSI-specific fields:
>       CleaningFreq(GB)=-1, KBytesProc=0, needsCleaning=0.
>       appendOnlySupported=-1, appendOnly=0.
>       lbpRequired=0, lbpEnabled=0, nativeFileExists=-1.
>       None
> However the update library command fails with the error below:
> tsm: TSMANL>update library lb0.1.0.6 libtype=scsi shared=no resetd=no 
> autolabel=no relabelscr=no serial=00L4U78L0331_LL0
> ANR8529E UPDATE LIBRARY: Unable to open library LB0.1.0.6 by using an open 
> system call.
> ANS8001I Return code 11.
> Thanks & Regards
> Paul
> From: Paul_Dudley [mailto:pdud...@anl.com.au]
> Sent: Thursday, 17 March 2016 11:02 AM
> To: 'ADSM: Dist Stor Manager'
> Subject: Library offline issue
> We are running TSM version 6.3 on a Windows 2008 server with an IBM TS3200 
> tape library. The windows server crashed overnight. It has been rebooted and 
> is working ok now however TSM will not talk to the tape library drives.
> I have powered the tape library off and on and have also performed a clean 
> shutdown and restart of the server.
> When I run "q path" it reports that the library is online.
> tsm: TSMANL>q path
> Source Name     Source Type     Destination     Destination     On-Line
>                                 Name            Type
> -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -------
> TSMANL          SERVER          LB0.1.0.6       LIBRARY         Yes
> TSMANL          SERVER          L6DRI0          DRIVE           Yes
> TSMANL          SERVER          L6DRI1          DRIVE           Yes
> TSMANL          SERVER          L6DRI2          DRIVE           Yes
> tsm: TSMANL>q path f=d
>                    Source Name: TSMANL
>                    Source Type: SERVER
>               Destination Name: LB0.1.0.6
>               Destination Type: LIBRARY
>                        Library:
>                      Node Name:
>                         Device: lb2.1.0.2
>               External Manager:
>               ZOS Media Server:
>                   Comm. Method:
>                            LUN:
>                      Initiator: 0
>                      Directory:
>                        On-Line: Yes
> When I run "q drive" it reports that the drives are online.
> tsm: TSMANL>q drive
> Library Name     Drive Name       Device Type     On-Line
> ------------     ------------     -----------     -------------------
> LB0.1.0.6        L6DRI0           LTO             Yes
> LB0.1.0.6        L6DRI1           LTO             Yes
> LB0.1.0.6        L6DRI2           LTO             Yes
> However the status of the drives is unknown
> tsm: TSMANL>q drive f=d
>                                 Library Name: LB0.1.0.6
>                                   Drive Name: L6DRI0
>                                  Device Type: LTO
>                                      On-Line: Yes
>                                 Read Formats: 
>                                Write Formats: 
>                                      Element: 256
>                                  Drive State: UNKNOWN
>                                  Volume Name:
>                                 Allocated to:
>                                          WWN: 5000E111312AF001
>                                Serial Number: 1068020440
>               Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
>                        Last Update Date/Time: 06/04/2015 11:38:08
> Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE): NONE
> When I try to update the drive I get the following error informing me that 
> the drive is unavailable.
> tsm: TSMANL>update drive lb0.1.0.6 l6dri0 serial=avoid online=yes
> ANR8444E UPDATE DRIVE: Library LB0.1.0.6 is currently unavailable.
> ANS8001I Return code 14.
> I can login to the library via the browser GUI and it all looks OK. The "q 
> libvol" command seems to work OK and returns the results I expect.
> When I check the properties of the SCSI tape drive devices on the windows 
> server they report that the devices are working properly.
> Any suggestions? Do I have to run an "update path" or "update library" 
> command?
> Thanks & Regards
> Paul
> Paul Dudley
> IT Operations
> ANL Container Line
> pdud...@anl.com.au
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