I think it is mistake in the doc (support only SRS05 rev45) and web (support 
only SRS08-10).
SRS 11 - first HANA version that supports multi streaming backup from one node. 
Without it TDP for HANA on Power is absolutely useless.
I tried TDP 7.1.3 ( Data Protection for SAP HANA(R)  - Version 7, Release 1, 
Modification 3.0  for Linux on POWER 64-bit -Build: 710  compiled on Jun 16 
2015) with HANA SRS11.
it works.

> 10 марта 2016 г., в 12:49, Loon, EJ van (ITOPT3) - KLM 
> <eric-van.l...@klm.com> написал(а):
> Hi guys!
> In the list of system requirements for Data protection for SAP HANA I see:
> SAP HANA support package stack SPS 08 up to SPS 10
> SPS11 seems to be out at this moment, does anybody know if it is supported 
> (so the requirements page needs updating) or will I have to wait for 7.1.4?
> Thanks for any help in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Eric van Loon
> AF/KLM Storage Engineering
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