The web page says you can rebalance space usage after adding a new DB filespace by issuing the following commands:
* Perform the rebalance activity during a quiet time. Logon as the server instance owner and execute the DB2 commands below. (on Windows, you need to run these commands from a DB2 Command Window and "set db2instance=server1). db2 connect to tsmdb1 db2 set schema tsmdb1 db2 alter tablespace SYSCATSPACE rebalance db2 alter tablespace USERSPACE1 rebalance db2 alter tablespace LARGESPACE1 rebalance db2 alter tablespace LARGEIDXSPACE1 rebalance db2 alter tablespace IDXSPACE1 rebalance db2 alter tablespace SYSTOOLSPACE rebalance * Depending on the size of the tablespace, the rebalance can take some time to finish. For a large tablespace, the rebalance can take about 30 minutes. Run the following command to check the rebalance status db2 "select * from SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION " |grep -i progress * If the rebalance is still active, the above command will return the tablespace still in active resizing. Wait until all tablespaces have done the rebalance and execute the following commands to reduce the tablespaces db2 alter tablespace SYSCATSPACE reduce max db2 alter tablespace USERSPACE1 reduce max db2 alter tablespace LARGESPACE1 reduce max db2 alter tablespace LARGEIDXSPACE1 reduce max db2 alter tablespace IDXSPACE1 reduce max db2 alter tablespace SYSTOOLSPACE reduce max * After the rebalance/reduce, the file systems should be equally utilized and there are should be no more file systems in 100% full condition. - See more at: Has anyone had this work for them? Anything to watch out for? David