
I am still pretty much old school when it comes to managing structured vs 
unstructured data, in that you keep them separate. But with Spectrum 
Protect (SP) 7.1.3 we need to start thinking differently.  In my 
experience with the product so far, I doesn't seem to make a difference 
since everything stays in the container. SP containers determines what 
gets deduped and what doesn't as it performs in-line deduplication, it 
does away with those time consuming tasks of Reclamation and migration. 
I have multiple customers that are using a single container for all of 
there data and I have not experienced any problems with backups or 
restores. I have not read anything that states you should separate the 

This is my opinion based on my experience with the product, and may not be 
the official best practice of IBM.

Best Regards,


From:   Robert Ouzen <>
Date:   11/16/15 01:33
Subject:        [ADSM-L] Question about replication
Sent by:        "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>

Hi to all

I want to implant a replication server with TSM server and to 
use the new feature for STGpool “Directory Containers”.

I want to replicate backups of Oracle DB , TDP for SAP , TDP for Exchange 
and regular files.

I am wondering if is better to create on the replicate server several STG 
pools or only a big one ???

Any experience ? ideas will be really appreciate.

Source and Target servers are with:

·         Windows 2008/2012 R2 64B

·         TSM server version

·         TSM client version
Best Regards

Robert Ouzen
Haifa University

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