>Can you provide details on the physical storage?

exp2524 via Megaraid 5120
EXT3 filesystem
Yes, we tuned the sysctl.conf file
I can't get to the devclass definition right now but the default DISK
device class has the same issue as my FILE device class as soon as there is
a storage on top of it.
I don't think it's the battery since a cp or dd on linux is blazing along
at 220-300MB/s, but TSM can only do 10-15MB/s to a disk / file based
storage pool.

I know TSM can use certain flags when writing to storagepools that change
the cache behaviour, what I don't know is what I need to set it to for it
to be fast. :-)


On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 1:26 PM, Ryder, Michael S <michael_s.ry...@roche.com
> wrote:

> Stefan
> Can you provide details on the physical storage?  What filesystem is in
> use?  What version of Linux?  Did the installer configure and tune OS
> parameters as indicated by TSM installation documentation?  Are you allowed
> to share the devclass and storage pool definitions?
> Mike
> On Friday, November 13, 2015, Stefan Folkerts <stefan.folke...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > We have a situation where one of our customers is showing very slow
> > performance on writing to a disk or file type storage pool on disk.
> >
> > Writing to tape with TSM is fast.
> > Writing a database backup to disk is fast (this writes to the same drives
> > but it writes to the devclass definition and not the storagepool
> definition
> > of course)
> > Writing to a disk or file type storagepool is very slow (10-15MB/s)
> > Writing to the same disk in Linux is fast (200+ MB/s)
> >
> > I found and read this article:
> > http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21137676
> >
> > But before I make a call with IBM I was hoping some of you might know the
> > correct settings for disk/file type storagepools on this type of local
> > storage.
> >
> > Regards,
> >     Stefan
> >
> --
> Best regards,
> Mike <http://rbbuswiki.bbg.roche.com/wiki/ryderm_page:start>, x7942
> RMD IT Client Services <http://rmsit.dia.roche.com/Pages/default.aspx>

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