Hi, Remco: The perform doesn't sounds right. What is your TSM server version? The issue you described is similiar to APAR IC86558, can you check if your TSM server has been updated with recent hotfix?
IC86558: TIVOLI STORAGE MANAGER SERVER NEEDS TO MUCH TIME TO RESPOND ON QUERIES FROM DATA PROTECTION FOR EXCHANGE. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1IC86558 Regarding your question about multiple DAG NODE, Here are several suggestions that for your consideration: 1. A single DAG node has the benefit to share backup data for all Exchange servers. For example, any Exchange server in the DAG can see backups from other servers, and it can perform restore operation using backups from other servers. 2. A single DAG node can also share mailbox history information for all Exchange servers. In mailbox restore operations, user can operate on all the mailboxes in the DAG from any Exchange server in the DAG. 3. If customer's Exchange servers are separated into different groups (e.g. some servers are in city_A, other servers are in city_B. DAG copies of the same database only reside in the same city. And city_A and city_B does not need to share backup data.), then it's ok to use different DAG nodes for the different groups of servers. 4. After changing the DAG node, if you want to restore an old backup, you need to change back to the old DAG node to view the old backup and restore it. Best regards. Tian Miao Liu