So far only in a lab environment. Found that, when using directory container
storage pools, only node type=client data works. For my node type=server,
the attempt to store data in the directory container pool failed. Sounds
like a restrictions that you can't store virtual volume data (the archive
objects) at the target server in a directory container pool. Storing the
archive objects for virtual volumes in a deduped file device class storage
pool works as before.

Joerg Pohlmann

09/22/2015 13:05:39      ANR0406I Session 111 started for node VVVISTA
                          (Tcp/Ip W2K8-TSM63(49256)). (SESSION: 111)
09/22/2015 13:05:50      ANR2776W Transaction failed for session 111 for
                          VVVISTA (Windows) - A storage pool for the target
                          destination is associated with a container or
                          storage pool. (SESSION: 111)
09/22/2015 13:06:36      ANR0403I Session 111 ended for node VVVISTA
                          (SESSION: 111)

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Robert Ouzen
Sent: September 23, 2015 03:59
Subject: [ADSM-L] Version 7.1.3

Hello All

I wonder if people  , already upgrade to version 7.1.3 and have comments ,
appreciation .. I understand that it's a new big concept as STG container
for inline dedup.

Anyone use it ? and can share remarks !

T.I.A Robert

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