
We upgrade our servers from to about 2 weeks ago, without 
incident or the side effects that others have seen.  Our expiration runs in the 
same time as it did prior to the upgrade.  I do seem to recall that sometimes 
when upgrading DB2, it can take while for the indexes to be optimized (or 
whatever) and until that happens performance may be sluggish.  We noticed this 
when we first upgraded from v5 to v6.  We did not notice it for this minor 

Our server is not error free - we are seeing more tape errors recently, but we 
have no reason to suspect they are related to the server software upgrade.  
More likely related to some new drives and/or tapes that we recently purchased.


At 03:00 AM 7/7/2015, Robert Ouzen wrote:
>Hello all
>Consider to upgrade my TSM servers to version , want to know if 
>someone already did it  and have any issues ?
>Best Regards
>Robert Ouzen

Paul Zarnowski                            Ph: 607-255-4757
Assistant Director for Storage Services   Fx: 607-255-8521
IT at Cornell / Infrastructure            Em:
719 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801

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