you’re missing the from clause of your sql statement.

> Op 1 jul. 2015, om 09:49 heeft Loon, EJ van (ITOPT3) - KLM 
> <> het volgende geschreven:
> Hi guys!
> I'm trying to select all ANE4987E messages for all nodes with the text 
> 'Component Team Windows' in the contact field. For some reason I cannot get 
> the SQL statement to work. What am I doing wrong?
> select actlog.date_time, actlog.nodename, actlog.message, nodes.node_name, 
> where like 'Component Team Windows%%' and 
> actlog.nodename=nodes.node_name and actlog.msgno=4987
> ANR2905E Unexpected SQL identifier token - 'NODESVIEW.CONTACT'.
>                                |
>         .......................V.......................................
>         ODESVIEW.CONTACT where NODESVIEW.CONTACT like 'Component Team W
> ANS8001I Return code 3.
> Thank you very much for your help in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Eric van Loon
> AF/KLM Storage Engineering
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