Hi Rick, The SUR collection is being done once per week. It is not configurable. The original thought on the collection interval was to do it once per week because the SQL statements and related queries can put additional stress on the system. It is collected often enough that it is usable for licensing/audit purposes but not so often that it is an impact to the system. Once a week was a collection interval chosen so that you could track progress over time to see how your capacity was changing relative to your purchased license entitlement. The perspective was that folks would not be
looking at license capacity information on a daily basis. Do you see a need to collect it on a more frequent interval? We can always look again at this and would encourage you to open an RFE if you have a good reason to have this refreshed on a more frequent basis. Thank you, Del ------------------------------------------------- "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 05/08/2015 10:04:36 AM: > From: Rick Adamson <rickadam...@biloholdings.com> > To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU > Date: 05/08/2015 10:05 AM > Subject: SUR Data Collection Interval > Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> > > One of the many recent enhancements to TSM server and Operations > center is the collection and display of information relative to the > SUR capacity license model. > The data which is stored in the "status" table's fields labeled > TOTALSUROCC_TB and SUROCC_DATE is by default collected at a 7 day interval. > > Seeing as the stated role of the Operations Center is to provide a > current snapshot of TSM health and status, and not as a historical > information resource, it would nice to be able to collect this data > more frequently, like say a daily basis. > > Has anyone found where this interval is defined and how it can be managed? > > TSM Server and Operation Center 0 / Win2008 . > > > Rick Adamson > System's Engineer III > Enterprise Storage Solutions > Bi-Lo Holdings, LLC >