If you cancel an expiration, does it not log every transaction, so that
when you cancel, it effectively does a rollback on all the entries in the
database? That might take some time as well...

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Vandeventer, Harold [OITS] <
harold.vandeven...@ks.gov> wrote:

> I'm running TSM on Windows.
> I have a script that issues EXPIRE INVENTORY DURATION=90 RESOURCE=40
> It was still running over 2 hours after start.
> I issued a CANCEL PRO and it's been in "cancel in progress" for over 30
> minutes.
> During all this time, Q PRO is reporting a constant number of nodes
> processed, objects examined and objects deleted.
> Database and log space look fine, Health Monitor via the AdminCenter GUI
> looks fine.
> What's happening in that process that would cause this behavior?
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Harold Vandeventer
> Systems Programmer
> State of Kansas - Office of Information Technology Services
> STE 751-S
> 910 SW Jackson
> (785) 296-0631
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