Hello.  Need some help.  I'm trying to create a new script for myself and I 
want to get the PROCESS_NUM from the Processes table in a variable.

def script Processes desc="get Process Number"
update script Processes 'declare process processes.PROCESS_NUM%type'
update script Processes 'START:'
update script Processes 'select PROCESS_NUM into process from processes where 
PROCESS<>"Identify Duplicates"'
update script Processes 'if (rc_ok) goto ID'
update script Processes 'ID:'
update script Processes "DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('process id=' process)"
update script Processes 'EXIT:'
update script Processes 'exit'

tsm: TSMPOK_SERVER1>update script cancelreps 'declare process 
ANR1469E UPDATE SCRIPT: Command script CANCELREPS, Line 1 is an INVALID command 
: declare process processes.PROCESS_NUM%type.
ANS8001I Return code 3.

tsm: TSMPOK_SERVER1>update script cancelreps "DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('process 
id=' process)"
ANR2002E Missing closing quote character.
ANR1469E UPDATE SCRIPT: Command script CANCELREPS, Line 20 is an INVALID 
command : DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('process id=' process).
ANS8001I Return code 3.

And when I put the word 'process' in quotes (just to get around the quote error 
above)....it's an invalid command anyway.

tsm: TSMPOK_SERVER1>update script cancelreps "DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('process')"
ANR1469E UPDATE SCRIPT: Command script CANCELREPS, Line 20 is an INVALID 
command : DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('process').
ANS8001I Return code 3.

Are there DB2 equivalents for the 'declare' and 'DBMS_OUTPUT' commands???
I've googled and it looks you can use the commands in DB2, but maybe not for 

Any input is much appreciated.....

Jeannie Bruno
Senior Systems Analyst
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
(845) 486-5780

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