Our Oracle backups have three scenarios. 

1)  Home grown scripts are scheduled via cron on the Oracle server, 
copy/compress the db to local disk, then pushed the db backup to TSM via a dsmc 
backup of the backup disk area. 

2)  RMAN backups are scheduled via cron which push data to TSM via LanFree/SAN 
or Network.   

3)  Some RMAN backups run via cron and write direct to DataDomain via NFS. (no 
TSM involvement)

Note - archive logs are pushed to TSM via scripts and run around the clock.


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Rick 
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 12:12 PM
Subject: DB2/Oracle backup reporting and scheduling

I assume someone has dealt with this I would like to hear how they handled it.

The issue:
DB2 and/or Oracle database backups that are dependent on completion of external 

Currently our DBA's utilize a variety of methods to initiate DB2 and Oracle 
database backups (CRON, external schedulers, etc) which presents challenges to 
confirm that they are being completed as expected. As a start, I proposed 
creating a client schedule and using the TSM scheduler to trigger these events, 
which would minimally provide a completed/missed/failed status. Complemented by 
routine reporting of stored objects it would give me some assurance that TSM 
had what it needed to assure their recovery.

The DBA's are pushing back (surprise!) claiming that "some" backups have 
special requirements, such as not running during other tasks like payroll 
processing, runstats, etc. so they use the external scheduler to set 
"conditions" that are met before the backup is initiated.

The question proposed to me is can a TSM schedule be triggered by the external 
scheduler once the conditions have been met?

I would be grateful to hear how others handle this, or if they use a different 
approach altogether to assure all DP database backups are completing on a 
timely basis.


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