*General Recommend Usage and Limitations*


2015-02-20 10:31 GMT-06:00 Thomas Denier <thomas.den...@jefferson.edu>:

> One of the TSM client systems at our site is a very large file server.
> Weekday backups are consistently taking over 22 hours, with occasional
> instances of a backup being missed because its predecessor was still
> running. The system is an obvious candidate for journal based backups. The
> system runs Windows 2003 and currently has client code installed.
> When I was checking for compatibility issues I found the following
> statement on page 111 of the "Installation and User's Guide" for the TSM
> 6.2 Windows client:
> Journal-based backup is supported for all Windows clients.
> I advised the client system administrator to configure the system for
> journal based backups, and that process was completed yesterday.
> I just discovered the following on page 31 of the same document:
> Journal-based backup can be used for all Windows clients, except for
> clients running on Windows Server 2003 systems.
> Which of the two contradictory statements is true?
> At best I will ending up spending a significant amount of time verifying
> that the client configuration described above is supported. At worst I have
> been tricked into advising a customer to use an unsupported configuration.
> The TSM 6.2 developers apparently didn't understand, or didn't care, that
> sloppy work does real harm to customers. The TSM 7.1 server code is
> currently awaiting a maintenance level that addresses the second crippling
> bug found after the code was released, which suggests that the same
> attitude toward sloppy work prevails to this day.
> Thomas Denier
> Thomas Jefferson University
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