> Op 31 jan. 2015, om 02:40 heeft Roger Deschner <rog...@uic.edu> het volgende 
> geschreven:
> I'm not sure there's anything that can be done about this, but take it
> as a warning anyway.

——8<— —

> I am planning to change all TSM client nodes to BACKDEL=NO ARCHDEL=NO to
> prevent a hacker from deleting backups. Anybody got a better idea?

— —8<— — 

I’m quite sure that this is the reason (among others) why backdel=n is the 
default. This is also the very first time that I hear that the bad guys are TSM 


 Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards,

Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

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