>>Does IBM have some document or website that describes the future of 
>>Administration Center?
Don't know where to find the document, but have been told in presentations:

>>Will it ever be upgraded to keep in lockstep with the TSM version and 
No.  It is "stabilized" at 6.3.4, but if you put on the last patch available it 
will support 7.x servers (obviously not with any of the new functions in 7.x 

>>Will it's administrative capabilities be moved to Operations Center?
Essentially yes.  There may be a few things that never make it to OC, but the 
intent is that the OC is the admin GUI for the future. 

>>I'm trying to decide whether to keep it up-to-date, in order to connect it to 
>>my 7.1.1 implementation.  I'd rather not make this effort if this 
>>functionality would appear in Operations Center soon.
If you put on the last available patch from the download pages, that's the last 
one you have to do!
The 7.1.1 OC has scheduling in it now; once they also add mgmt. class support, 
that will be the majority of things you need to make it a viable replacement 
for the AC.

>>On the other hand... is anyone happy using Administration Center to manager 
>>their TSM 7.1.1 instance?
Nooooooooooo!!!  :>)

Wanda Prather
TSM Consultant
ICF International Cybersecurity Division

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