Thought I'd share this with you all.

Playing around with the TSM OC login page by editing the file
loginText.html on a lazy sunday afternoon.
If you don't know about it, it is in: C:\Program
Files\Tivoli\TSM\ui\Liberty\usr\servers\guiServer on Windows.
Apart from the standard login waiver text I wanted to insert a company
logo. This logo needs to be transparent (png or gif) so it looks nice on
the OC login background. Now placing the logo somewhere on the OC
installation dir does not work (I tried), so how can I insert this image? I
am a storage and TSM guy, not a web coder, so I had to look around how this
could be done properly...
Of course you can refer to another webserver and fetch the image from there
but I don't want to be dependent on (yet) another server.
Images can be embedded in the html itself, I remembered from long time ago.
So after resizing and converting my image to 16 colors, I converted it with
webcode tools available at
and pasted that into my loginText.html. And presto! A very slick login

Kind Regards, Groetje,

Marcel Anthonijsz

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