
Tried to rename a filespace of a VM machine backuped with TSM for VE 7.1.1 on a 
TSM server version 7.1.1

The datacenter node name is:  HAIFA_DATACENTER

Doing  a query as:  q fi   HAIFA_DATACENTER   (here the output)

Node Name                    Filespace Name           FSID        Platform      
       Filespace Type       Is Filespace Unicode       Capacity       Pct Util
---------------                     ---------------------      --------     
----------               ---------- ------        ------------------------      
  -----------     ----------
HAIFA_DATACENTER     \VMFULL-mdb2        106          TDP VMware     API:TSMVM  
            No                                        0 KB                0.0

Did the command:     ren fi   HAIFA_DATACENTER   \VMFULL-mdb2        

But got this error !

ANR1998E RENAME FILESPACE: Invalid value for current_file_space_name parameter 
- \VMFULL-mdb2.

I did it so many times but this is the first time for a VM machine !

Any help   !!!!

Regards Robert

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