Hi, If I understand correctly, as of VCenter v5.5 VMWARE VMDK files size limit grow to 64 TB, but TDP for VMWARE has a 2 TB limit. Do you know when TDP for VMWARE will support bigger than 2 TB VMDK file size ? Because as of now we have several. I asked VMWARE admins if they can give less than 2 TB VMDK files and later concatenate them as a Dynamic disks inside the Windows, they say more VMDK files will increase hypervisor load, is it true ?
Restriction: Each individual VMDK involved in a backup operation cannot exceed 2 TB. If a VMDK exceeds 2 TB, the backup operation fails. To prevent a failure, you can skip processing the VMDK by specifying the vmskipmaxvmdks yes in the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client options file or during the dsmc invocation. So the workaround for this would be setting the option VMSKIPMAXVMDKS to YES. Caution must be used with this option. With this option set, the client will not fail the backup of any virtual machine that has disk greater than 2TB, but will continue the backup, skipping the disk that is over the Tivoli Storage Manager supported maximum size of 2TB. See the APAR IC99953: BACKUP VM MESSAGE ANS2687W (RC6707) ON AUTOMATICALLY EXCLUDED INDEPENDENT OR PRDM DISKS http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1IC99953 Regards, Tuncel ________________________________ [http://disclaimer.akbank.com/images/disclaimer3.jpg]<http://disclaimer.akbank.com/disclaimer.asp> Değerli görüş ve önerilerinizi internet sayfamızdaki Bize Ulaşın bölümünden iletebilirsiniz. Bu e-posta ve muhtemel eklerinde verilen bilgiler kişiye özel ve gizli olup, yalnızca mesajda belirlenen alıcı ile ilgilidir. Size yanlışlıkla ulaşmışsa lütfen göndericiye bilgi veriniz, mesajı siliniz ve içeriğini başka bir kişiye açıklamayınız, herhangi bir ortama kopyalamayınız. Bu mesaj veya ekleri, aksi sözleşme ile veya mesaj içeriğinde açıkça belirtilmedikçe, herhangi bir işleme ilişkin olarak Bankamız adına herhangi bir teklif, kabul veya teyit amacı taşımamaktadır. Verilen bilgilerin doğru veya eksiksiz olmasına yönelik bir garanti verilmemekte olup, bilgiler önceden bildirilmeksizin değiştirilebilecektir. Bu mesajın içeriği Bankamızın resmi görüşlerini yansıtmayabileceğinden Akbank T.A.Ş. hiçbir hukuki sorumluluğu kabul etmez. Akbank T.A.Ş Sabancı Center 4.Levent, 34330 İstanbul - Ticaret Sicil Memurluğu: İstanbul - Sicil Numarası: 90418 - www.akbank.com You are kindly requested to share your valuable views and opinions to us via the Contact Us section on our website. The information provided in this e-mail and any attachments it may contain is proprietary and confidential, and is only related with the receiver of this message. If it is sent to you by mistake; please inform the sender, delete the message and do not explain its contents to anyone, and do not copy it in any form. Unless otherwise provided by contract, this message is not intended to act as a banking transaction such as an offer, purchase or sale of a financial transaction or confirmation of a remittance. No guarantee is given for the accuracy or integrity of any or all information provided herein and such information may be changed without prior notice. Akbank T.A.Ş. acknowledges no legal responsibility whatsoever as may be related with or arise out of the content of this message as it may not reflect the official policy of our Bank. Akbank T.A.Ş Sabancı Center 4.Levent, 34330 İstanbul - Trade Registry Office: İstanbul - Registration Number: 90418 - www.akbank.com