Upgraded from TDP for Exchange 6.4 to TDP for Exchange 7.1.1
Exchange 2010, Windows TSM server 6.3.5.

The doc for 7.1.1 says:

"The following parameters are available options in the MMC when you select Show 
Restore Options from the Recover tab:
- Set the /KEEPRDB parameter option to Yes to retain a recovery database...."

Says the same for /USEEXISTINGRDB.

But when I select the RESTORE tab >Mailbox restore> highlight a mailbox and 
click SHOW RESTORE OPTIONS, those 2 new options aren't shown.

Where in the MMC do I find them?


Wanda Prather  |  Senior Technical Specialist  | 
wanda.prat...@icfi.com<mailto:wanda.prat...@icfi.com>  |  
www.icfi.com<http://www.icfi.com/> | 410-868-4872 (m)
ICF International  | 7125 Thomas Edison Dr., Suite 100, Columbia, Md 
|443-718-4900 (o)

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