How did you try updating the script?  With the "update script" command?  With
"update script" you update one line of or add a new line to the existing
script (by including the new line contents and optionally the line number).
The file you originally defined the script with isn't involved at all.

Based on your other messages, though, it sounds like this isn't really the
approach you want for your needs.


On 09/19/2014 09:22 AM, George Huebschman wrote:
> David,
> I had tried updating the script, but that was not effective.
> It did not refresh the contents that the script was aware of.
> George Huebschman (George H.)
> From:
> David Bronder <>
> To:
> Date:
> 09/18/2014 11:24 AM
> Subject:
> Re: [ADSM-L] Re: Defining a script that references a file
> Sent by:
> "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> The script source file is only used at the time you define the script.
> But you don't have to delete and redefine the script each time you want to
> change the script itself; you just can't change the source file to do it.
> Once the script is defined, whether via a source file or directly in the
> define/update commands, you can always update the already-defined script
> with
> "update script" commands (to add new lines or replace existing ones).
> =Dave
> On 09/18/2014 07:58 AM, George Huebschman wrote:
>> Gary,
>>         Thanks.
>> Sadly, I had hoped you'd tell me it was operator error.
>> George Huebschman (George H.)

Hello World.                                David Bronder - Systems Architect
Segmentation Fault                                      ITS-EI, Univ. of Iowa
Core dumped, disk trashed, quota filled, soda warm.

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