
I have a PowerShell script that does what you are asking, in terms of different 
databases on different days (in our case, we round-robin our full backups 
across the week).  It also allows for multi-threaded backups, although the way 
VSS works, the databases each need to be on separate vols for it to work.  If 
you are interested in seeing the script, send me a private email.  If nothing 
else, it might point you in the direction you want to go.

Steve "underscore" Schaub "at" bcbst "dot" com


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Steven 
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:36 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Exchange Backup return codes

Hi All

I'm setting up TSM for exchange ( with Exchange 2013.  Servers are on AIX 7.1

I have 2 DAGs, 8 databases per DAG and each DAG is comprised of two windows 

I thought I'd use the new facilities so I run

tdpexcc backup * full /preferdagpassive /minimumbackupinterval=60

And do this 30 minutes apart on each of the nodes in the DAG.

The issue is that I get RC 418 or 1848 (that may be wrong I'm sending this from 
home) because a database is excluded from backup by either the 
/preferdagpassive or /minimumbackupinterval switches.  This indicates an error 
where I think it should not, since I asked for this behaviour.

As batch commands are quite difficult to program, I looked at the powershell 
versions of the backup command.  If I read it right you'll get an array of 
error objects for any errors encountered, but you'd have to process the whole 
array to see which were real errors and which were not. Powershell is not yet a 

Has anyone come up with a solution they'd be willing to share? Any ideas?

While I have your attention, there are two more issues.

I'd like to backup different databases on different days, programmatically 
determined, so I can run the same script and have it produce different results. 
 In order to do that I would need to interrogate exchange and filter on mailbox 
name, since the dbname supplied to the backup command is either * or something 
specific, not accpting wildcards. Any pointers on what I have to do within 
powershell to access the exchange cmdlets?

Finally,  I'd like to turn on client compression.  The manual says to do this  
at the VSS provider, i.e. the windows BA client node.  It does not seem to be 
working for me.  I'd also like to have include.compression statements that are 
specific to exchange so that normal OS files are not compressed, and there is 
not a lot of guidance on that. Has anyone cracked that problem?



Steven Harris
TSM Admin
Canberra Australia
Please see the following link for the BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee E-mail 

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