I know I've recommended backing up NAS filespaces over NFS in the past, so
I thought I'd pass along this serious bug we've run into with v6.4.x
clients when backing up nested filespaces (i.e. -dom='/nfs /nfs/subdir').
While v6.3.x and before would backup /nfs/subdir as a separate filespace,
v6.4.x will back /nfs/subdirup as a separate filespace /and/ as a directory
in the /nfs filespace. Likewise, when going to query or restore those
backups, you will /nfs/subdir as a subdirectory of /nfs rather than its own
filespace, unless you use the {} query syntax to explicitly request

If anyone out there is running into this problem, I recommend you examine
the APAR we have open with IBM, and consider asking for the efix that IBM
helpfully prepared for us while we wait for the permanent fix in v6.4.3.


-- Skylar Thompson (skyl...@u.washington.edu)
-- Genome Sciences Department, System Administrator
-- Foege Building S046, (206)-685-7354
-- University of Washington School of Medicine

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