> Is anyone using HP OpenView to monitor TSM?


Over the years we've developed some quite complex OpenView policies for TSM
client and server event management. We run both Operations Manager and TSM
Server on Windows and the original idea was to use SNMP to get alerts into
OMW. However we found the easiest way was to customise the event rules in
TSM (DEFINE EVENTRULES) so that every activity log message we were
interested in was propagated to the Windows Application Event Logs. The
OpenView agent on each TSM server has an event log policy which raises (or
ignores) messages according to the rules we define in the policy while
parsing the text of the message to get client names, setting severities,
etc. Each rule matches one or more activity log messages (mainly errors and
warnings, but also some info messages which I don't expect in normal
operation) and then defines the operator action in the message

The above gives us near real time alerting based on server activity log
messages. For everything else - clients at risk, long running schedules,
database space, etc. - we use the [now unsupported] TSM Operational
Reporting from v5.5 installed as a stand-alone application on a separate
virtual server with an OpenView agent on. As well as following the
documented hacks to get OR to work with our 6.3 server instances, we've
added a bunch of custom SQL which along with the out-of-the-box reporting
creates daily text files, one per monitored server instance. These lend
themselves quite well to being parsed by an OpenView log file policy.

Until Operations Centre gives me something I can work with to achieve the
same thing, we've no immediate plans to change things and by and large it
works well.,

Neil Schofield
Infrastructure Architect, Hardware Engineering
Yorkshire Water


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