Hello All,
I've been getting numerous failures with our Exchange Backups that are being executed via a scheduled command as shown below. Server Version: 6, Release 1, Level 4.5, TSM Client Version:, TDP Client Version: all running on Windows 2008 R2 and Exchange 2010 SP2 Rollup 3 and we are running from a replica mailbox server with the Proxynode option set for this Mailbox server with the passive copies of the databases. We have had no problems for years and nothing has changed besides growth but lately we have been getting tons of failures such as: Event Logs: Failure Executing Schedule EXCHANGE2010_4, RC=450. Failure Executing Schedule EXCHANGE2010_4, RC=418. VSS processing encountered error 'VSS_E_SNAPSHOT_SET_IN_PROGRESS' in the Volume Shadow Copy API 'StartSnapshotSet'. DSM Logs: ACN0519E The VSS operation failed with rc = 450. ANS1017E (RC-50) Session rejected: TCP/IP connection failure ACN5060E A Tivoli Storage Manager API error has occurred. Again, The majority of our DB's backup but we get 3-6 failures a day and it's not the same ones every day. One that was successful yesterday could fail tonight. It's just very odd Command Running: tdpexcc backup " XDCExecStore1" full /BACKUPMETHOD=VSS /BACKUPDESTINATION=TSM /tsmoptfile=XDCCrewStore1.opt /logfile=C:\TSM\excsch_XDCCrewStore1.log >> C:\TSM\excfull_XDCCrewStore1.log Options File: NODename XDCExecStore1 TCPServeraddress sxdctsm01 SCHEDMODE Prompted CLUSTERnode no COMPRESSIon no PASSWORDAccess Generate COMMMethod TCPip TCPPort 1500 TCPWindowsize 63 TCPBuffSize 32 COMPRESSALWAYS no RESOURCEUTILIZATION 2 ERRORLOGNAME C:\TSM\dsmerror_XDCExecStore1.log SCHEDLOGNAME C:\TSM\dsmsched_XDCExecStore1.log ERRORLOGRETENTION 7 SCHEDLOGRETENTION 7 Regards, Matthew J. Leonard Network Infrastructure Administrator IT Network Operations AtlasAir, Inc. matthew.leon...@atlasair.com 914-701-8042