Yes please. I am very interested in the details.


On 22.05.2014 17:00, Huebner, Andy wrote:
> Thanks.
> 6.2 does not support the 5.1 client either.  It is hard to justify upgrading 
> a client to a fix pack when the client has successfully been running for a 
> decade.
> This is by far not the oldest thing here that I back up.
> Back to the question asked.
> Update.
> IBM has a fix for this that involves a minor DB fix with a DB2 command.  IBM 
> can fill in the details if needed.
> Andy Huebner
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
> Karel Bos
> Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 1:46 AM
> Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM 7.1 upgrade
> Lol, nt 4 and base lvl 5.1? Might want to look into some upgrading as both 
> are out of support.
> Btw, apart from not running base level stuff, 7.1 doesn't support 5.1 clients.
> Op 16 mei 2014 21:28 schreef "Huebner, Andy" <andy.hueb...@novartis.com>:
>> We are testing the upgrade from 6.2 to 7.1 and we get this error when
>> starting TSM on the test server after the upgrade.
>> ANR0103E admnode.c(25990): Error 2343 updating row in table "Nodes".
>> ANR9999D_1490373789 AdmConvertNodeAttrs(admnode.c:25815) Thread<1>:
>> Error
>> 2343 converting the attributes for node ServerA
>> The server is an NT 4.0 server running the agent. (keep the
>> chuckles to a minimum please)
>> Does anyone know of a fix?
>> I am also calling IBM.
>> Andy Huebner

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