TDP for mail is at 6.4, Exchange 2010.

Ran install of 7.1 on top, then ran setupfcm.exe.
Started DP for Exchange, it immediately fails with FMM50009E, says Windows 
Powershell 3.0 is a pre-req.
Nothing about this in the planning & prereqs section of the TDP 7.1 install 

Is there any impact on Exchange 2010 from upgrading Windows Powershell 3.0 on 
the fly?
Don't have a test server to work with here.


**Please note new office phone:
Wanda Prather  |  Senior Technical Specialist  |<>  |<> | 410-868-4872 (m)
ICF International  | 7125 Thomas Edison Dr., Suite 100, Columbia, Md 
|443-718-4900 (o)

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