Hi Michael

Thank you very much for the information ..... make more sense now.

Your link is very helpful too ..

I have just need another clarification   about the policy retention , if they 
are not the same in SOURCE and TARGET servers . I mean that I want to keep in 
TARGET server less versions (type backup) or last days (type archive).

To make simple in source F.S (default) - Node (default) - server (ALL_DATA)

So if I have for a node a policy (archive) of keeping 365 days and on the 
TARGET server I just want to keep 60 days. 

During the first replicate node which policy works ? All data for 365 days will 
be replicate or just the data for 60 days ?

T.I.A Best Regards

Robert Ouzen
Haifa University Israel

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
Michael malitz
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 3:49 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] AW: Tsm replication 7.1

Hallo Robert,


interesting questions:


As I'm currently  documenting and testing as well the node replication feature 


I try to share my current knowledge:


Domain Change on Target Replication Server:


If you move a node to a different domain on the target, replication will move 
it back


Means, that if I change a domain for the node on the target replication server 
AFTER a successful replication and then try another replication to the same 
node ,

the domain for the node on the target server changed back (without a
message!!!) to the original one.




E.g. if you do:   de fi node-name * replstate=purgedata  datatype=backup,


è Backup rule data is then set to  state "Purge Data":    à  see  q   fi
node *  f=d

è During next replication the objects will be deleted on the target server (see 
message during replication) and

è The replstate for the filespace will be set to disabled 



You can see the status of the deleted objects later on with   q replicaton
node-name  <processed=xx> f=d


What remains to be clarified for me:  also with "update node"  you have the 
"undocumented" option of purgedata  for the replstate, but I can not see any 
"purge data" status


è My be TSM development can clarify - thanks 




The Source server instructs target to delete objects during replication


rgds Michael




-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] Im Auftrag von 
Robert Ouzen
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. April 2014 11:53
Betreff: Tsm replication 7.1


Hi to all


Long time ago I test the replication feature for DRM purpose. Now I wanted to 
implant it between two TSM servers version 7.1 and O.S Windows 2008 R2 64B.


I have some questions:



·         The command replicate node if no domain exist in the TARGET server
as in SOURCE server  , put the node under the domain STANDARD.


My question is after it can I update the node to a different domain (created on 
the TARGET server but  in the SOURCE server is not exist) , and in the next 
replicate node it will go to this domain and not to STANDARD ?



·         In SOURCE server in the command "update fi" it is an option
replstate=purgedata"   I don't quite understand the purpose  ?




·         When replicate node  with type ARCH  have in  ARREPLRULEDEFAULT
am using ALL_DATA


If I have a node in the SOURCE server with archive copygroups  rentention of
360 days and in the TARGET server in the archive  coypgroups retention of the 
domain STANDARD  is 90.


My question what happen in the replicate node  to the TARGET server  when no 
same archive copygroups retention ? Did all data will be replicate and only 
after running an expire inventory in the TARGET server only the data for 90 
days will remain ? or already during the replicate node only the data for 90 
days with will replicate ?




T.I.A  Best Regards





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