Added another 1TB file system to the database on the V6 server. Still failed, but for a different reason. Turns out I should have been at The insertdb code has a problem with volumes that are EMPTY, volumes with 0% utilization and Q CONTENT shows nothing. APAR IC97407:
I couldn't believe I needed 500GB for the conversion. Now that it's done, my (5) db filespaces are showing 3 at 36% and 2 at 74%. Why they aren't more even distributed...? Now the customer needs to decide if they want to upgrade to and do the upgrade again, or attempt the 'local fix' of making sure to delete all empty and 0% used volumes. DISK, FILE or tape. And if I miss one...another 12-hours down the drain. Interesting... after I opened the PMR on the 2nd failure, the tech who called back said he was pretty sure I couldn't do this from AIX to Linux. Bill -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Steven Langdale Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 2:43 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] V5->V6 conversion failed on INSERTDB with File system full Bill, what was the outcome? On 1 April 2014 23:22, Bill Boyer <> wrote: > V5.5.7.0 on AIX converting over the network to V6.3.4.0 on Linux RedHat. > > The V5 DB is 260GB at 90%. > > > > The TSM DB is defined on 4x100GB file systems /tsmdb01 - /tsmdb04. > Active log is 32GB and archive log file system is 200GB. > > The extractdb phase seems to complete successfully: > > ANR0409I Session 1 ended for server $UPGRADETARGET$ (Linux/x86_64). > > ANR1382I EXTRACTDB: Process 1, database extract, has completed. > > ANR1383I EXTRACTDB: Found 119 database objects. > > ANR1384I EXTRACTDB: Processed 75 database objects. > > ANR1385I EXTRACTDB: Skipped 44 empty database objects. > > ANR1386I EXTRACTDB: Failed to process 0 database objects. > > ANR1387I EXTRACTDB: Processed 1,178,563,762 database records. > > ANR1388I EXTRACTDB: Read 47,215,261 database pages. > > ANR1389I EXTRACTDB: Wrote 128,524,753,412 bytes. > > ANR1390I EXTRACTDB: Elapsed time was 2:16:21. > > ANR1391I EXTRACTDB: Throughput was 53936.19 megabytes per hour. > > > > After the ExtractDB phase completes in the InsertDB log: > > ANR1379I INSERTDB: Read 123,388,191,411 bytes and inserted > 1,126,658,997 > > database entries in 2:10:00 (54310.15 megabytes per hour). > > ANR1526I INSERTDB: Building indices and checking table integrity. > > ANR0409I Session 2 ended for server $UPGRADESOURCE$ (AIX-RS/6000). > > ANR1527I INSERTDB: Checked 69 of 75 database objects in 0:04:03. > > The file system is full. > > ANR0171I tbcli.c(10847): Error detected on 27:2, database in > evaluation mode. > > ANR0131E tbcli.c(10847): Server DB space exhausted. > > ANR0162W Supplemental database diagnostic information: -1: :-968 > > ([IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUXX8664] SQL0968C The file system is full. > > ). > > > > And a bunch more Transaction hash table.. > > > > Lock hash table contents (slots=3002): > > Note: Enabling trace class TMTIMER will provide additional timing info > on the > > following locks > > *** no locks found *** > > ANR1527I INSERTDB: Checked 70 of 75 database objects in 0:14:03. > > ANR1527I INSERTDB: Checked 70 of 75 database objects in 0:24:03. > > ANR1527I INSERTDB: Checked 70 of 75 database objects in 0:34:03. > > ANR1527I INSERTDB: Checked 70 of 75 database objects in 0:44:03. > > ANR1527I INSERTDB: Checked 70 of 75 database objects in 1:04:03. > > ANR1527I INSERTDB: Checked 70 of 75 database objects in 1:24:03. > > > > And then nothing. It just quits. But it appears to have run several > hours after the extract/insert phase had completed. The Linux file > systems shows > /tsmdb01 at 48%, /tsmdb02 at 100%, /tsmdb03 at 100% and /tsmdb04 at > 43%. 2 of the 4 file systems were at 100%, but I should have still had > 100GB of database space left. > > > > I have since added another /tsmdb05 at 100GB and restarted the process. > > > > The other file systems: /home had 4.7GB of free space. /tmp 6.4GB, > /var 4.4GB. > > > > Any ideas? I've got about 2-3 more hours to see if adding the 100GB of > database space will resolve the problem. > > > > Bill Boyer > DSS, Inc. > (610) 927-4407 > "Enjoy life. It has an expiration date." - ?? >