
Thanks a lot for your feedback. Unfortunately, your solution does not seem to 
be working :

>def sched aix test_sched  act=command  objects='"/tmp/test.sh 
>>/tmp/test.log.`date '+%d.%m.%Y'` 2>&1"' durunits=minutes duration=10 
>startt=22:00 peru=o priority=1
ANR2004E Missing value for keyword parameter - +%d.%m.%Y'`.
ANS8001I Return code 3.



-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Rick 
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: schedulde command with date suffixed log file


It was unclear whether you wanted the log file on the TSM host or
client. However, I'm assuming that you want to log the output when
the script runs on the client. You'll need to put extra quotes around
the object for this to work. See below:

def sched aix
test_sched  act=command  objects='"/tmp/test.sh >/tmp/test.log.`date
'+%d.%m.%Y'` 2>&1"' durunits=minutes duration=10 startt=now peru=o priority=1


At 09:27 AM 3/31/2014, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>A quick one: does anyone have the proper syntax to define a client
>schedule (using admin command line, or macro) that would execute a
>command having some date-suffixed log file, like :
>def sched aix
>test_sched  act=command  objects="/tmp/test.sh >/tmp/test.log. `date
>'+%d.%m.%Y'` 2>&1" durunits=minutes duration=10 startt=now peru=o priority=1
>TSM server is and runs under AIX .
>I already have tried various combinations of single and double
>quotes without success  ...

Rick Saylor                  Austin Community College   Voice: (512)223-1182
Director of System Services  9101 Tuscany Way           Fax:   (512)223-1211
Information Technology       Austin, Texas  78754

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