I am doing the above with the following steps and want to make sure I
haven't missed anything.  I already went through this process on a test
server, working out all the gotchas (file permissions/ownership/locations,

1.  Stop all activity/access on old server.
2.  Backup old server DB to disk FILEDEVCLASS.
3.  Backup volhist and devconfig
4.  Transfer #2 and #3 to new server via FTP (no SAN disk on any system to
share so this is the quickest/easiest way)
5.  Install TSM Server 6.1.5 on new server. Run through initial
6.  Per instructions in book, remove the initial config via *dsmserv
7.  Copy volhist/devconfig files from old system to proper locations for
restore (/home/tsminst1)
8.  Preform *dsmserv restore db *
9.  Install TSM 6.3 with updates to  Per IBM instructions,
should automagically upgrade the server and DB2
10.  Switch network connections  and start up server in production

I made sure the new server has the identical HOST name as the old server,
so DB2 won't get hinky about a name-change....

Any thoughts/suggestions?

*Zoltan Forray*
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services
zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
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