
if you don't have a TDP for the app, you can still use the

if you have a VM, the VMware-API gives you a similar hook:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards

Michael Prix

On 02/28/2014 03:14 PM, Nick Laflamme wrote:
> I apologize for introducing a tangent, but I need some help defining a
> problem.
> Those of us who have studied (or used!) TSM for VE know that the TDP for
> SQL Server can receive a signal from Windows Server that something is about
> to take a backup. The same signal should trigger any pending writes before
> something takes a snapshot and then backs up a restorable disk image.
> Are there similar signals (which might not be the right word) in Linux or
> various UNIX systems? Assuming a lack of support from an application
> vendor, I'd want at least to fire off a script upon receiving that signal
> to use existing commands to "freeze" the app,
> Are there better idioms I should use with my Linux/UNIX gurus, or is this
> simply not an option yet?
> Thanks,
> Nick

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