No, just audit your offsite storage site from time 2 time and get all
volumes back TSM lost track of.

Kind regards,

Op 12 nov. 2013 19:02 schreef "Marouf, Nick" <>:

> Hello,
> Can someone maybe provide a bit more clarification on this technote?
> We generally set the DRM with SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS and then after
> tapes moved to vault for the day, run the following commands
> delete volhist type=ALL todate=TODAY-180
> delete volhist type=DBB todate=TODAY-3
> Should I be concerned?
> Thank You,
> -Nick
> Nick Marouf | Systems Administrator Consultant
> PA Department of Transportation | Bureau of Infrastructure and Operations
> 1400A North Cameron St | Harrisburg PA 17103
> Phone:  717.346.5547 | Fax:  717.346.5530

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