Hi, Steven.  There are some drawbacks to backing up the *.job files from
the c:\windows\tasks directory, especially with regard to passwords, but
necessary, you should be able to back up those *.job files by using a
prescheduled command to copy the *.job files from the c:\windows\tasks
directory to some other directory that you can back up, say,
q:\important\tasks.  Your backup job can then pick them up from there.

Alternatively, you might consider using a batch file containing schtasks
commands to redefine your tasks whenever you need to.  This way you can
store your passwords in the task definition.

On 10/23/2013 7:50 AM, Steven Langdale wrote:
Hello all

I have a requirement to backup scheduled tasks on a couple of windows
servers.  I though I may be able to get away with just C:\Windows\Tasks
(and a list of the relevant passwords), but that dir is an OS exclude on
2008 (only one I've tried so far)

Has anyone else needed to do this?  If so, how did you go about it?

My current test platform is 2008 + client



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