Hi Robert,

Are toy running multiple dsmc at the same time ? It's not possible while using 
client side deduplication.


Robert Ouzen <rou...@univ.haifa.ac.il> a écrit :

>Hi to all
>Look what I got in my dsmerror.log running a backup client with dedup
>of TSM 6, the client side made the dedup .
>05/17/2013 10:44:53 ANS0361I DIAG: dbOpen(): Unable to open db
>'/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/TSMDEDUPDB_POSTBACKMTCS.DB' in exclusive
>mode: lockExclusive failed.
>05/17/2013 10:44:53 ANS7903W Client deduplication cache is locked by
>another process.
>My TSM server version is
>My TSM Client version is 6.4.0
>Best Regards

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