The difference is not in char vs substr vs cast, but in filespace_name vs 

tsm: LFTSM>select (substr(filespace_name,1,10)) as FS1, char(node_name,10) as 
NN1, cast(filespace_name as char(10)) as FS3 from filespaces

FS1                       NN1             FS3
---------------------     -----------     ---------------------
\\lftsm\c$                LFTSM           \\lftsm\c$
LFTSM\Syst                LFTSM           LFTSM\Syst
/depot                    LFUSABWP        /depot
/usr/sap/B                LFUSABWP        /usr/sap/B

They are both VARCHAR.  So I have no explanation.  At all.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
Prather, Wanda
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] SELECT statements and column widths

Well that is odd -
I don't know why 2n+1, but at least I get consistent results:

tsm: LFTSM>select (substr(filespace_name,1,10)) as FS1, char(filespace_name,10) 
as FS2, cast(filespace_name as char(10)) as FS3 from filespaces

FS1                       FS2                       FS3
---------------------     ---------------------     ---------------------
\\lftsm\c$                \\lftsm\c$                \\lftsm\c$
/depot                    /depot                    /depot
/                         /                         /
/sapmnt                   /sapmnt                   /sapmnt

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Neil 
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] SELECT statements and column widths


> You can also do:
> select substr(filespace_name,1,20) from filespaces
> and get only 20 chars back.

Well that's interesting because it makes the problem worse! Using either CAST 
or  SUBSTR truncate my data to N characters, but CAST gives me a column width 
of (N+1) for NODE_NAME and (2N+1) for FILESPACE_NAME, whereas SUBSTR gives me a 
column width of (2N+1) for both NODE_NAME and FILESPACE_NAME.

What I was actually aiming for was a column width (ie the number of '-'
characters that underline the column heading) of only N+1 for both 

select substr(filespace_name,1,20) as FS, substr(filespace_name,1,10) as Node 
from filespaces

FS                                            NODE
-----------------------------------------     ---------------------
\\xxxxxxxxxx\w$                               xxxx
xxxxxxxxxx\SystemSta                          xxxxxxxxxx
ASR                                           xxxxxxxxxx
\\xxxxxxxxxx\c$                               xxxxxxxxxx
\\xxxxxxxxxx\d$                               xxxxxxxxxx
\\xxxxxxxxxx\e$                               xxxxxxxxxx
\\xxxxxxxxxx\f$                               xxxxxxxxxx
\\xxxxxxxxxx\g$                               xxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx\xxxx\meta\00                          xxxxxxxxxx

tsm: xxxxxxx>select cast(filespace_name as char(20)) as FS, cast(node_name as 
char(10)) as Node from filespaces

FS                                            NODE))
-----------------------------------------     -----------
\\xxxxxxxxxx\w$                               xxxx
xxxxxxxxxx\SystemSta                          xxxxxxxxxx
ASR                                           xxxxxxxxxx
\\xxxxxxxxxx\c$                               xxxxxxxxxx
\\xxxxxxxxxx\d$                               xxxxxxxxxx
\\xxxxxxxxxx\e$                               xxxxxxxxxx
\\xxxxxxxxxx\f$                               xxxxxxxxxx
\\xxxxxxxxxx\g$                               xxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx\xxxx\meta\00                          xxxxxxxxxx



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