Seeking your experienced advice or reasoned opinion: We have a TSMv5.5.7 service with very fragmented 500GB DB @ 76% utilized but only 8% reduceable. As soon as possible we will start TSMv5->v6 migration to new 1200GB DB and 200GB Log. Another TSMv6 service with 800GB DB @ ~50% utilized performs well using 4 * 200GB LUNs = PVs = LVs = JFS2 FileSpaces (with 1 each per 200GB LUN on fast NetApp disk.)
For this TSMv5->v6.3.3 conversion, using same fast disk, which TSMv6 DB config is better practice? a) 6 * 200GB LUNs (LUN = PV = LV = FileSpace) b) 4 * 300GB LUNs ... We might eventually need to incrementally grow this TSMv6 DB up to twice initial size adding similar sized LUNs! -- (w#203.432.6693, c#203.494.9201, h#203.387.3030)